
Peep is a visual assistant that watches for you. Eyes for your smart home and the best smart camera ever. EVER.

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What is peep ?

Peep is what we call a visual assistant. Many times we experience situations where an extra set of eyes would come in very handy. What if your security cam could also be a baby monitor? What if your baby monitor could also tell you that the water is boiling? What if that same camera could tell you when it finally stops raining?

Focus on doing, not watching

Be more productive by making peep watch while you work. Set up a task and forget about it until peep notifies you.

Watch from Anywhere

Set peep and and forget it. You will be notified when it sees what you’re looking for. If you get curious check out a live feed.

Consult the Peep Community

Other people have the same problems to be solved. Use tasks created by others.Make anything ioT Why throw out your old toaster if you can let peep tell you when the toast is done?

Peep is on the Go

Security cams are meant to be stationary. Sure, peep can do that too but you also have the option of placing peep wherever it's needed. Then use the peep mobile app to set up new tasks and revieve alerts from peep.

Get Notified

When peep sees what you set it to look for you get notified.

Be Lazy

Use tasks that other peep users have created.

Buy More

Buy more complex tasks from the peep marketplace.


Tune In

Tune into peep at any time if you get curious about what it's watching.

Capture Fun Moments

Set peep and wait for something fun to happen.

Get Paid

Are you a developer? Use the Okuvio platform to make complex tasks.

Use with your existing smart home devices Use Google Home or Alexa to start watching. Say ‘Tell peep to watch for

Learn More

What kind of tasks will peep be able to do?

The honest answer is what ever you want peep to do.

  • Parking spot: Tell peep to notify you when your favorite parking spot opens
  • Boiling water: Get help in the kitchen. Peep can tell you when water boils, when the sink is almost full
  • Break lights: Peep can be a shop helper by watching for your break lights
  • Bluebird: Bird watching without being there all day. Get notified when a blue bird shows up
  • Many more: What tasks can you think of?

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