Develop AI for everyone

Okuvio is a platform that allows developers to solve other people's problems with computer vision and artificial intelligence. Be the first in line to develop algorithms that will be used by millions of people (and get paid).

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What is Okuvio ?

Okuvio is a platform for developing computer vision and machine learning apps for users of smart home hardware. Develop for Okuvio hardware and more.

Pipe in Data

Use our simple api to direct a data stream to your own algorithms.


Analyze the data stream and capture just the data you're looking for.

Set Triggers and Notify

When your code finds what you're looking for trigger notifications for the end user.

1. Upload models and personal libs


2. Import what you need


3. Start streaming data


4. Trigger notifications


What kind of tasks will okuvio be able to do?

We are activly developing a visual assistant, Peep, that will be able to stream data to Okuvio. By importing openCV, google image apis, and even your own ML models you can trigger events for peep users.

  • Parking spot: Tell peep to notify you when your favorite parking spot opens
  • Boiling water: Get help in the kitchen. Peep can tell you when water boils, when the sink is almost full
  • Break lights: Peep can be a shop helper by watching for your break lights
  • Bluebird: Bird watching without being there all day. Get notified when a blue bird shows up
  • Many more: What tasks can you think of?

Our Hardware

We have multiple products in the pipeline to be used with Okuvio. They set up the sensors and you tell them when a task is complete.

Make Objects Feel

  • Make non-iot items sense touch
  • Build models of how objects 'feel'
  • Streams touch, weight, or data from impact sensors
  • Link with streams from Peep and Trace

Visual Assistant


A watching and learning visual assistant coming to indiegogo soon!.

  • Watch for events
  • Set and forget
  • Get notifications
  • Save clips around events

Enable Objects to Smell

  • Make alerts when it 'smells' something
  • Array of sensors to use in Okuvio
  • Link with streams from Peep and Nudge

Be first in line to develop on the Okuvio platform.

We will let you know when the beta version of Okuvio is available. Just enter your email address and we'll take care of the rest.